Inspirations Beauty Show Episode 6 | Podcast Support - WHAT IS ROSACEA?
If you have stumbled upon this blog post without listening to Episode 6 of my podcast (Inspirations Beauty Show), stop what you're doing and go listen! While I was writing and recording the Rosacea episode, I thought to myself, "damn this is episode is information overload... what can I do to make this easier to understand?" and immediately the idea for a blog post popped into my head! So here we are with Podcast Support! This post was specifically created to compliment episode 6 - What is Rosacea? If you are a visual learner or simply want to see what I was referring to regarding the different types of rosacea, this is a fantastic resource! The hope is that this NEW resource, Podcast Support, enhances your podcast experience by providing more understanding and knowledge of whatever topic was discussed in-depth! I will always mention in the episode if there's a corresponding Podcast Support blog complimenting the episode!
Let's get right to it!
As you've learned in the episode, there are 4 types of rosacea; Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, Papulopustular Rosacea, Rhinophyma Rosacea, and Ocular Rosacea.

Let's uncover each subtype a little further...
Subtype 1: Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea {AKA ETR}
Here are some examples of how ETR typically shows up in the skin. The images progress in severity from left to right. The symptoms in the third image symptoms are the most noticeable and cover the widest surface area, however, all of these photos are examples of ETR.
Subtype 2: Papulopustular Rosacea {AKA Acne Rosacea}
Here are some examples of how Papulorpustular Rosacea typically presents in the skin. It's important to remember that the acne that comes along with this type of rosacea is not always filled with pus, but often filled with water (referred to as edema). The blemishes are also accompanied by redness and broken capillaries. The more severe the blemishes and redness are, the more severe the rosacea is. In these images, you can tell the severity of the acne not only by the size and redness of pimples but also by the wider surface area that the acne and rosacea covers. Remember the difference between clinical acne and rosacea acne; rosacea acne has flushed skin under all the blemishes and often resides in the nose, cheek and chin area (butterfly formation), whereas clinical acne can show up anywhere on the skin. Provided directly below are some images of Papulopustular Rosacea
**The images below are not another subtype of rosacea, but instead are examples of clinical acne to compare to the examples of rosacea acne above**
Clinical Acne:
I have also provided this great infographic to help you compare your symptoms and further decipher your skin's condition based on your signs and symptoms!

Subtype 3: Rhinophyma Rosacea {AKA Phymatous Rosacea)

Rhinophyma is a more aggressive type of rosacea. This type is often paired with ETR in addition to thickening and widening of the nose. With Phymatous Rosacea, the skin becomes texturized and symptoms become more noticeable - especially if left untreated. Rhinophyma (aka Phymatous) is most commonly found in middle-aged men.

Subtype 4: Ocular Rosacea
This type of rosacea is found around the eyes, as the name suggests. This type of rosacea is usually accompanied by severe sensitivities, dryness, flakiness, or even the classic redness around the eye area. In some cases, it can even start as discoloration in and around the eye, as well as obvious inflammation.
Hopefully those images and diagrams provide more clarity of the symptoms and differences of each subtype of rosacea! Sometimes visuals are all we need for a complex topic such as rosacea to make complete sense - especially if you're a visual person like me!
For one final resource, I wanted to share this little image. Although it's quite obvious to see the difference in the placement of rosacea given the physiological differences between males and females, I figured some of you may still find this helpful! This diagram shows how the redness associated with rosacea is darker and more prominent on the side cheeks and chin on women, whereas the redness and inflammation on the male are localized mainly on his nose.

I'd love to hear from you if this Podcast Support Blog was helpful! Did it help make tackling a complex topic like rosacea less intimidating? Please let me know what you think about my podcast and blogs - I love providing the most information I can so that together we can learn and help others!
Please note these images are not my personal images or diagrams, I retrieved them from google/ other informational sources that are accessible to you as well!
I hope you have enjoyed and learned a thing or two, don't forget to like, share and comment to spread the word in anyway about Inspirations Beauty Clinic Inc!
Thanks for your time and see you back here soon!